Monastery Updates
The Hundred Meditations on the Passion of Our Lord by Bl. Henry Suso, OP
O Kind of kings and Lord of lords, my soul embraces you with sorrow and grief in your abjection. Grant that is may be joyfully embraced by you in your eternal brightness…
Homily for the Seventh Sunday of Ordinary Time
If God knows me and loves me so completely, then I must be worth knowing and loving.
Homily for the 7th Sunday in Ordinary Time
Homily for the Sixth Sunday of Ordinary Time
Abba Serapion - the biscuit snitcher.
Homily for the 6th Sunday in Ordinary Time
Solemn Vespers
The Aquinas Guild announces its first
Evenings with a Friar:
Fr. John Dominic Corbett, O.P.
Series on Saint Thomas Aquinas - Part Two
It is possible for the Lord to always be at the center of our lives and the center of our hearts.
Feast of the Presentation of the Lord
May we always see Jesus with the eyes of faith, like Simeon and like Anna, and may we too be given the grace to live in the House of the Lord all the days of our life and to savor His sweetness.
Opening Event of the New Aquinas Guild
The purpose of the Guild is to create a closer network of the many friends of the Monastery—new and old—to show our gratitude for their friendship and ongoing solicitude as we live a hidden life in the midst of the Church for the salvation of souls.
Series on Saint Thomas Aquinas
St. Thomas’s life and all that he offers to the Church is shaped by his Dominican life. Through living the Dominican life, he became holy.
Feast of Saint Thomas Aquinas
It is in the light of God’s wisdom, as it is in the heat of God’s love, that human beings come to their full flourishing.
Solemnity of the Most Sacred Heart of Jesus
Even the heart’s tortuous moments are part of His plan to make our hearts like His.
Fr. Cyril Stola, O.P.
So shall the king desire your beauty; for he is your lord, and you must worship him.
Guest essay by Father Luke Hoyt, O.P.
You have each indeed forgotten your own people and your father’s house and come here to this place to be with the King.
Homily for the Fifth Sunday of Easter
In the Holy Eucharist, Christ our True Vine firmly unites us to Himself. His lifeblood flows through our veins; He unites our flesh to His in a firm bond of love.
Friday of the First Week of Ordinary Time
The promise remained that the moment the people turned back to Him, He would welcome them back, He would be their God, and they would be His people once again.
Homily for Solemn First Vespers for the Solemnity of the Immaculate Conception
O Mary, conceived without sin, pray for us who have recourse to thee!