Private Retreats
We can accommodate up to 7 women (religious or lay) for private, silent retreats in our Guest Quarters. There are 5 rooms, along with a kitchenette and a dining area, in the main building. Our Guest House across the street has two additional rooms as well as a small suite available for guest priest retreatants. There are supplies available in the kitchenette areas of both places for breakfast. We send out two meals on the turn: dinner after midday prayer, supper in the evening at 6:10 p.m.
While there is no access to the cloister and no opportunity for conferences or spiritual direction, retreatants may join us in the public chapel for the Holy Sacrifice of the Mass and the Liturgy of the Hours. They are also invited to spend as much time as they like in adoration of the Blessed Sacrament and to enjoy our beautiful grounds outside of the enclosure. We do not have a set fee, but a minimum donation of $35.00 per night is appreciated.