1947 Chronicles (14 ): A Summer of Blessings
During the summer months, the new monastery continued to flourish both spiritually and materially. “Minor miracles” were performed in the Print Shop as sisters printed and mailed 17,000 spiritual leaflets to readers around Connecticut.
Sisters work in the monastery print shop
“On June seventh, Father Paul A. Barrett, O.P., one of our newly ordained Dominican Fathers, came to visit our Monastery. He offered Mass for the intentions of the Community in our tiny chapel, which was Father’s third Holy Mass since his ordination; the first was offered at his parish church, the second at the Carmelite Monastery of his little sister and the third for us. Father gave us his priestly blessing and thanked us for the prayers which we had offered for his ordination. He also told us that he was adopting our community as his own and would rely on us for prayers during his priestly life.
“On June fourteenth, Reverend Mother received a donation of five hundred dollars from Mr. Frank Sullivan of New Haven, who came to visit our Monastery; he was later to prove himself a very good friend and benefactor of our community. Then, on June eighteenth, a four-foot statue of Our Lady of Grace arrived. The statue, painted very beautifully in natural colors, is the gift of Reverend J. B. Lamothe; Father is a good friend of Sister Mary Joseph and he gave this gift to Sister in her mother’s name – the statue will be placed in our chapel.
The sisters’ very first printing press
“Also in June, renovations were made to the living quarters of the Sisters. William DeLage and Mr. Raymond Renaud, brother-in-law and brother respectively of Mother M. Columba, made the long trip here from Long Island to complete the installation of the tubs and plumbing fixtures in the laundry – we will now be able to take care of our own laundry. In the Professed Sisters dormitory, a few improvements have also been made. The unbleached cotton curtains which separated our cots have been replaced by ply board partitions. The cells are very tiny but each one has the luxury of at least half a window and there is room also for a chair and a small cupboard of four shelves. The carpentry work was done by Father Moore, Tommy, and Arthur.
“Monthly novenas to Our Lady Mediatrix of All Graces were inaugurated in June as well. The people of Connecticut responded enthusiastically to the appeal which we sent out inviting them to unite with us in honoring Our Lady. Additionally, minor miracles are being performed in the print shop. Mother Monica had only a few weeks’ apprenticeship as a printer before coming to Guilford but, with the help of St. Joseph she has printed seventeen thousand novena leaflets; we marvel at Mother who performed this feat unaided while fulfilling all her religious duties and helping with the other work as well.”
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