Monastery Updates
Grant Us Grateful Hearts
“Looking back, this year has been a time of profound memories and new blessings….”
To Live is Christ, to Die is Gain
Holy love raises the soul to heavenly thoughts and kindles in it a longing for eternal realities, arousing its desire for what neither passes nor dies….
Praying the Rosary
The Dominican nun, and anyone who prays the Rosary devoutly, meditates on the mysteries of Christ’s life through the eyes of Our Lady….
Solitude and Redemption
Rather than being a sort of isolation, solitude is fundamentally a radical communion with the God who saves…
A Place of Silence
The nuns should make of their house, and especially of their hearts, a place of silence….
Poverty, Chastity, Obedience
The vowed religious should be considered not just a sacrifice to God, but a holocaust….
Our Lady, Our Mother
Even as a child, our foundress, Mother Mary of Jesus Crucified, had such a tender love for the Blessed Virgin Mary that she preferred carrying a statue of Our Lady to a baby doll….
A Living Liturgy
Reflection by a sister of the monastery - “Why wait to offer yourself to the cleansing power of divine love?”
Joy in Hard Work
Reflection by a sister of the monastery - “Every Dominican nun knows that work can be a source of joy because joy is an effect of love….”
Loving the Sick and Elderly
Reflection by a sister of the monastery - “The care of old and infirm nuns is a striking example of what “common life” means in a monastic community….”
Not by Bread Alone
Reflection by a sister of the monastery - “The human person is wonderfully created by God to need food in both body and soul…”
To Live in God’s House
Reflection by a sister of the monastery - “The first line of Psalm 122 beautifully reveals the sentiments of a monastic heart…“
75 Years Since Foundation Day
Reflections from a current postulant - “This November, on the commemoration of All Souls, I walked down to the monastery’s cemetery after Vespers to pray at the graves of all those sisters who have passed on to eternal life…“