Monastery Updates
75 Years of Priestly Blessings
Saint Dominic entrusted the nuns as part of the same Order to the fraternal concern of his sons….
75 Years of Bulletins
The nuns should honestly seek to understand the intent and wholeheartedly carry out the injunctions of their superiors…
To Live is Christ, to Die is Gain
Holy love raises the soul to heavenly thoughts and kindles in it a longing for eternal realities, arousing its desire for what neither passes nor dies….
75 Years of Devotion to the Dead
The communion of saints is simply the mutual sharing of help, atonement, prayers, and benefits among the faithful….
75 Years of Religious Formation
Although the formation of the nuns lasts for several years and extends through various stages, it ought to be conceived and carried through as a continuous and progressive process….
75 Years of Humble Service
By work the nuns share the common lot of most people, especially the poor….
Praying the Rosary
The Dominican nun, and anyone who prays the Rosary devoutly, meditates on the mysteries of Christ’s life through the eyes of Our Lady….
75 Years of Solitude
The nuns, while living together in harmony, follow Jesus as he withdraws into solitude to pray….
75 Years of Music Together
Sing to the Lord a new song, a hymn in the assembly of the faithful….
75 Years of Love of Jesus Crucified
Let Christ, who was fastened to the cross for all, be fast-knit to their hearts….
Solitude and Redemption
Rather than being a sort of isolation, solitude is fundamentally a radical communion with the God who saves…
75 Years of Printing
Work is demanded by religious poverty and serves the common good by building up charity through cooperation…
75 Years of Love for Creation
Let everything that has breath praise the Lord! (Psalm 150:6)
75 Years of Silence
Silence should be carefully kept by the nuns especially in places and at times appointed for prayer, study and rest….
75 Years of Picnics!
At such gatherings the nuns should simply and cheerfully try to make themselves all things to all….
1947 Chronicles (17): Good Saint Joseph
It is the custom for us here in our little monastery to daily make a procession in honor of St. Joseph….
75 Years of Devotion to Saint Dominic
The nuns should foster genuine devotion and veneration for St. Dominic….