Celebrating the 75th Anniversary
of the Monastery of Our Lady of Grace

During 2022, we celebrated seventy-five years of Dominican contemplative life at the Monastery of Our Lady of Grace in North Guilford, CT. We are grateful to Almighty God and to all of our friends and benefactors who have so generously provided for us over the years. Look back through the pictures, stories, and essays below to re-live our special jubilee year with us.
Jubilee Posts
Monastic Life in Pictures
Weekly posts showing our “regular life” over the last 75 years with a short text and a series of related photos.
The mystery of Christ, unfolded through the cycle of the year, calls us to live his mystery in our own lives….
Saint Dominic entrusted the nuns as part of the same Order to the fraternal concern of his sons….
The nuns should honestly seek to understand the intent and wholeheartedly carry out the injunctions of their superiors…
The communion of saints is simply the mutual sharing of help, atonement, prayers, and benefits among the faithful….
Although the formation of the nuns lasts for several years and extends through various stages, it ought to be conceived and carried through as a continuous and progressive process….
The nuns, while living together in harmony, follow Jesus as he withdraws into solitude to pray….
Work is demanded by religious poverty and serves the common good by building up charity through cooperation…
Silence should be carefully kept by the nuns especially in places and at times appointed for prayer, study and rest….
At such gatherings the nuns should simply and cheerfully try to make themselves all things to all….
Obedience, by which we ‘conquer the deepest part of ourselves,’ aids greatly in attaining that interior liberty which belongs to the children of God….
In the common life of the religious family to which they are united in a closer bond through chastity, they should cultivate sisterly affection and serene friendship….
The spirit of poverty impels us, with lively confidence in the Lord, to place our treasure in the kingdom of God and his righteousness….
No one shall perform any task for her own benefit but all your work shall be done for the common good….
By withdrawal from the world, in fact and in spirit, the nuns, like prudent virgins waiting for their Lord, are freed from worldly affairs…
Our holy Father Saint Dominic…constantly showed a father's love and care for these nuns…
Mutual understanding and sisterly communion are fostered by various forms of recreation….
Rejoicing that they can fulfill the design of the Creator and be associated with the work of the Redeemer, the nuns should readily give themselves to work….
Persevering in prayer with Mary the Mother of Jesus, the nuns ardently long for the fullness of the Holy Spirit….
As has always been the custom in the Order, the nuns should love and reverence the Blessed Mary….
Stories from our Archives
Biweekly short stories about our founding in the nuns’ own words, all from our archives.
It is the custom for us here in our little monastery to daily make a procession in honor of St. Joseph….
“The first October Pilgrimage in honor of Our Lady of the Rosary was attended by about fifteen hundred people….”
His Excellency told us that when he had first visited us in February to cloister us, he had been very much disheartened. In fact, he admitted that our poor living conditions had prevented him from sleeping for a few nights…
“On the twenty-fifth, the last Sunday of May, the first public pilgrimage in honor of Our Lady was held….”
“Reverend Mother with her two assistants, who wore white aprons, began to wash and kiss the feet of all the Sisters, beginning with the oldest…”
“Bishop O’Brien made a tour of the monastery with Reverend Mother and two of the Sisters. When he returned, he laughingly announced that he did not care to buy the place…”
“All the angels looked on in wonder at the procession of nuns hopping through a window…”
“The sisters fit so snugly on the benches that there was scarcely room for any of us to put on weight; and if one sneezed rather suddenly, she was likely to give the sister near her a good jolt….”
The first nights in the new monastery were sleepless and the first days of work were difficult, but God never ceased to provide countless blessings upon the little community. Amidst all the trials and tribulations, the intercession of the saints and God’s providence guided the sisters in their efforts to make the old homestead into “God’s House.”
After breakfast the sisters began the task of exploring the old farmhouse and trying to make some semblance of livable order amidst the chaos that was before them.
On a chilly January morning, fifteen sisters boarded a bus in Summit, New Jersey and headed toward North Guilford, Connecticut. Read their story from our archives.
On a chilly January morning, fifteen sisters boarded a bus in Summit, New Jersey and headed toward North Guilford, Connecticut.
Firsthand Reflections
Monthly reflections written by our sisters on the gift of our monastic life and this Jubilee year.
Holy love raises the soul to heavenly thoughts and kindles in it a longing for eternal realities, arousing its desire for what neither passes nor dies….
The Dominican nun, and anyone who prays the Rosary devoutly, meditates on the mysteries of Christ’s life through the eyes of Our Lady….
Rather than being a sort of isolation, solitude is fundamentally a radical communion with the God who saves…
The nuns should make of their house, and especially of their hearts, a place of silence….
Even as a child, our foundress, Mother Mary of Jesus Crucified, had such a tender love for the Blessed Virgin Mary that she preferred carrying a statue of Our Lady to a baby doll….
Reflection by a sister of the monastery - “Why wait to offer yourself to the cleansing power of divine love?”
Reflection by a sister of the monastery - “Every Dominican nun knows that work can be a source of joy because joy is an effect of love….”
Reflection by a sister of the monastery - “The care of old and infirm nuns is a striking example of what “common life” means in a monastic community….”
Reflection by a sister of the monastery - “The human person is wonderfully created by God to need food in both body and soul…”
Reflection by a sister of the monastery - “The first line of Psalm 122 beautifully reveals the sentiments of a monastic heart…“
Reflections from a current postulant - “This November, on the commemoration of All Souls, I walked down to the monastery’s cemetery after Vespers to pray at the graves of all those sisters who have passed on to eternal life…“